22 September 2007

mulberry street pizza

this happened like 2 months ago, but it's a good example. i was walking into the mulberry street pizza on ventura in encino. a dude that was maybe in his early 40s was walking out, his hands were filled w pizza boxes and bags - clearly he could not open the door without some assistance. so i held the door open for him. no acknowledgement from him. no smile. no head nod. no fucking THANK YOU!! WTF?!?! is that so difficult? so i shouted YOU'RE WELCOME as he walked to his car. he didn't even turn around.


Cafe Pasadena said...
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Cafe Pasadena said...

Virtue, etiquette, kindness, have have been seriously disrespected by our generation.

I enjoy your blog...while it was still alive. You should resuscitate it!