27 September 2007

back of the plane

why do people sitting in the back of the plane, in the middle or window seat, insist on standing up and attempting to get their bags as soon as the seat belt light goes off? the door isn't even open yet, and these people want to stand hunched over, waiting for you to get out of your aisle seat - and hunching over you, too. WHERE ARE YOU GOING???

you can't go anywhere until i stand up. and i'm not going anywhere until the 29 rows of people in front of me have moved. patience people!!!

24 September 2007

white land rover

i couldn't wait until tomorrow because in this town, surely something will happen tomorrow too.

i'm driving home from yoga class along a windy road. the road i have been driving nearly every single day (mon-fri) for the past two years. i know this road. i can drive it faster than the posted 35 mph speed limit if i so choose to. its a one lane road in a residential area.

i'm in front of this bitch in a white land rover. her plate # is 5VMG340 (i'll have to post this on platewire.com) so if this bitch ever reads this, you should know that i decided to intentionally go slow because you insisted on riding on my ass. normally i am more than happy to lead the pack and drive a little faster than most when people behind me can keep up. but when you start riding my ass when i am going the speed limit (i can understand if i was going slower but i wasn't), well fuck you. i'm gonna start tapping my breaks at every turn and slow down on the straights. and you can't pass me unless you have a death wish and wish to severely hurt or injure the person in the opposite direction.

seriously, was your life impacted in such a negative way? because then we all got stuck behind a red van that was in fact going slower than the posted speed limit the rest of the way. then we get to the light at the top of mulholland and you get over to the right lane so you can illegally pass me on the right. really nice.

look out lady. i called the cops and told them that you were a reckless driver headed west on mulholland. i hope you got a ticket you dumb ass bitch.

fast cars

saturday night. walking the animals with the hubby. very few, if any, sidewalks in my 'hood. very few in the uber residential section. walking on one of the "busier" (read: not very busy at all) through-streets where there are no sidewalks. it is a 2-way street with cars parked on both sides but not filled with parked cars either.

we're crossing from the right side to the left side, so that we will be walking against traffic as we're approaching the section near the corner where there is a sidewalk.

i've got the dog. hubby's got the kitty (yes, we walk our cat on a leash outside - he loves it). i'm pretty much across the street and a car just turns from the main road onto this side street. kitty boy doesn't want to cross the street as fast as we do and is walking slower. said car decides it would be a good idea to speed up and barely veer to the other side to avoid hitting hubby and kitty.

this is a residential area mind you with a speed limit of no more than 20 or 25 max!! this dude in his audi felt it necessary to zip on past doing at least 40.

he didn't even slow down to pass and blew right through the stop sign. so typical.

22 September 2007

mulberry street pizza

this happened like 2 months ago, but it's a good example. i was walking into the mulberry street pizza on ventura in encino. a dude that was maybe in his early 40s was walking out, his hands were filled w pizza boxes and bags - clearly he could not open the door without some assistance. so i held the door open for him. no acknowledgement from him. no smile. no head nod. no fucking THANK YOU!! WTF?!?! is that so difficult? so i shouted YOU'RE WELCOME as he walked to his car. he didn't even turn around.


OK - oops.

I'm new to this.

this was supposed to either be my first blog entry but it never took. oh well.

so...i've been thinking about doing this for a while.
the idea:
i blog once a day or just once in a while. once in a blue moon. whenever i feel the urge. the concept: is that i just share one story at a time - nice and short - abut why people drive me crazy.

for the most part, i will be illustrating the discourteousness of most people. and predominantly those residing in the southern california area. i'm sure there will be many instances surrounding other people and their dogs.